Using these books, I
have penciled out a possible timeline:
Book List:
Old and New Testament Book of Mormon
George A. Smith Vision (internet) John Taylor Vision (internet)
Charles Evans Vision (internet) Cardston Prophecy (internet)
Visions of Glory, Pontius Dream of Plagues, (internet)
Dreams and Visions, I, II, III, Young & Parrett A Greater Tomorrow, Julie Rowe
George Washington Vision (internet) Mosiah Hancock Vision (internet)
Cleansing of America, Skousen There is No Death, Sarah Menet
Through the Window of Life, S. Freeman Bishop Koyle (Dream Mine)
65 Signs of the Times. Ridges Four Blood Moons, Pastor Hagee
The Mystery of the Shemitah As A Thief in the Night, Roger Young
Whence Came They (10 Tribes) The Last Days I & II, Young & Parrett
Gospel has been restored.
Gospel has been taken to the earth. (Internet fulfilled that prophecy.) Hastening is now.
Elijah restores the sealing keys.
First time Jews have possession of Jerusalem (1967). The Jews had possession of Israel in 1948, but not Jerusalem. Jews have found an unspotted heifer for their sacrifice. Jews have drawn up the temple plans to rebuild the temple. Jews base calendar on the moon. A tetrad is 4 blood moons together. Only 8 tetrads since Christ's birth. Every time the tetrad came on Jewish holidays and during the most significant events in their history. The next tetrad is 500 years from now.
Books: Four Blood Moons, Pastor John Hagee,
The Mystery of the Shemitah, Jonathan Cahn
Isaiah Decoded, Avraham Gileadi
Jerusalem “cup of trembling” to those who attempt to fight her. Zechariah 12:2
Genealogical research expands. This is a spiritual war on both sides of the veil. Malachi 4:5-6
Lamanites blossom as a rose.
D&C 49:22-24 51% of the church is now outside of the U.S. 50% of the church speaks Spanish.
Knowledge explosion. (Phone, cars, machinery, electricity, internet, satellite, surgeries, etc.)
Daniel 12:4
Ecological damage occurs. (BP oil spill, Fukashima still pouring nuclear waste, over 70 tons into the ocean. Revelations 8:7-12
Doom and Gloom and Despair. D&C 1:35, Luke 21:25-27
Much selfishness and lack of caring. Hearts wax cold. Matthew 24:12
Wars and rumors of wars: Do not be troubled, just the beginning or sorrows. Matthew 24:6
Lawlessness and disrespect for authority. Chaos and revolutions. 2Nephi 28:20 D&C 45:26
Sexual immorality. 2Timoth 3:1, 6 Romans 1:24-31
Spirit stops working with the wicked. D&C 63:32 Pours out spirit on Saints Joel 2:29
Peace will be taken from the land. D&C 1:35
False prophets and churches abound. Joseph Smith - Matthew 1:22 Revelation 13:13-15
People refuse to believe obvious truth. 2Peter 3:3-4
People refuse to believe the signs of the times. 2Timothy 3:3-4
The Lord will come as a “thief in the night” to those who discount it is here. 1Thes 5:2, 2Peter 3:10
Signs and wonders on earth and in heaven. Four blood moons (tetrad), Climate changes, Solar flares, comets. D&C 45:36-40
Many temples will be built. Isaiah 2:2 D&C 133:13
Famine - (CA feeds 25% of the world. Worst drought in history. Whole lakes gone. Rationing starting. No end in sight. TX started 3 years prior. Multiple fires from dry land. Cannot afford the water to be trucked in to plant.) Matthew 24:7 Bishop John Koyle Vision (famine lasts 5 years. Wheat more valuable than gold.) Sarah Menet, Temple Dreamer, Suzanne Freeman.
Climate change. (North and South Poles are splitting. 2014 NASA report.) Airports are 10 degrees off on radar,
Earthquakes and other natural disasters. (EQ frequency has doubled in the last decade.) In 1974 the earth had approximately 4, 500 earthquakes. In 2014 there have been 82,374 in the first nine months. The Lord will begin his cleansing in his own house first. Utah will have an EQ and Plague at the same time on the heels of a worldwide financial collapse. See earthquake chart, D&C 88:88-91, D&C 45:33,
D&C 112:24-26, Revelation 16:18, Revelation 6:12,
Sarah Menet, Spencer, Suzanne Freeman, Gayle Smith, Bishop Koyle all say there is a Utah EQ.
Destroying angel will be allowed to go forth. D&C 8:5-8,
First “call out” (gathering) will take place to survive the plague. (Late spring.) Saints with food storage invited to go. Cars/trucks are available to haul preps. Less than 10% of the members go. Various reasons (don’t grasp the urgency, don’t want to share, don’t want to leave possessions, didn't prepare, are not out of debt, etc.)
See General Authority documented quotes about a gathering and leading the Saints to a refuge (8 pages of quotes). See Temple Dreamer, Dreams & Visions Vol. I, II, & III. See Cardston Prophecy.
Long winter is unusual and stops planting of crops, a great hailstorm destroys the crops, both add to the famine. D&C 29:16 Revelation 16:21
Almost all of the dreamers saw the long, harsh winter. Cleansing of America, p. 18, Joseph Smith talks about the great desolation of an earthquake, hail, famine and war that "will make an end to all nations".
Woe #1 (5 mo. War – Desert Storm, aggravated Middle East) Only 5 month war in recorded history. Description matches the events.
Woe #2 (13 mo. War and plague kill 3 billion on earth.) Read Charles Evans Dream about a civil war in America. See John Taylor's Dream about a plague (Ebola symptoms) that devastates the US and the World. See Sarah Menet, Suzanne Freeman, Spencer (VOG), Gayle Smith all see more than one plague killing the masses.
This is the “Abomination of Desolation” as spoken of by Daniel. The Savior is speaking to his disciples about an event from 200 years before him that was an abomination. He says the abomination will happen again (anti-Christ will force them to worship an idol in their temple and Israel will be under seige), at which time they should stand in holy places and flee to the mountains. Revelation 13:14 Matthew 24:15-16. (See comparison of Matthew 24 between Old Jerusalem and New Jerusalem.)
Ebola is described as bleeding internally to death. Has a 90 fatality rate. Die within days. 5,000 deaths now. Project 1.4 million by January. Project 5 million before it is contained (if it doesn’t come to America). John Taylor’s dream describes this massive death toll on America’s states, including Utah.
See John Taylor's dream, See Dream of Plagues.
Dollar Collapse. Worldwide depression begins. No work, no gas, no travel. Patriarch Charles Evans vision describes this in detail. Civil War in America ensues. Race rioting on a vast scale. See Cardston Prophecy. See Bishop Koyle vision. See Sarah Menet, Julie Rowe and Suzanne Freeman dreams. See George Albert Smith vision "collapse will make the great depression look like a picnic".
When the dollar is collapsed intentionally by New World Order operatives such as Illuminati, Builderberg Group, UN Agenda 21, this will trigger a civil war for 13 months. The New World Order calls for the earth’s population to be reduced to 500,000. We are currently at 8 billion. Ebola and a new strain of small pox has been weaponized and will intentionally be released. Spencer sees the troops inoculated against the plague. See John Taylor vision. See Dream of Plagues vision. Many other dreamers see a civil war and a devastating plague.
People gather from all over to get to the intermountain region. More groups leave to find the tent cities from the first call out. Violence and chaos are rampant. Must flee by foot, only take what you can carry. No vehicles/gas/trailers available. Patriarch Charles Evans vision describes this in detail. Civil War in America ensues. Race rioting on a vast scale. See Cardston Prophecy. See Bishop Koyle vision. See Sarah Menet, Julie Rowe and Suzanne Freeman dreams.
Foreign troops finally arrive in Utah to help with the earthquake and plague, but martial law is declared instead. No prayers are allowed, no gatherings, no church, no meetings. Temples are closed.
Spencer (VOG), Sarah Menet, Suzanne Freeman, Julie Rowe, Temple Dreamer, Bishop Koyle, George Washington all had dreams/vision of these troops.
America is attacked. No electricity (EMP) from nuclear bombs set off to create the EMP (HAFB is one of the places). The attack is from China (west coast) and Russia (east coast). The UN declares the mid-west (farming communities) as the “world’s land”. See GA Smith vision, Sarah Menet, Patriarch Wolfgram, and all the others talk about this attack.
In his own words, Chinese General:
Utah misses the start of this attack because no electricity from the earthquake to announce the news. VOG
All happen in rapid succession:
Gathering in the mountains (call out) in Spring/Summer of 2016 (election year).
Dollar Collapse – September Sarah, Gayle, "10 days before the earthquake"
Jewish Calendar/Rabbi says (2015 stock market crash),
Earthquake – October Bishop Koyle, Gayle, Sarah, (actually use the month "October"), VOG says earthquake is one month before the troops show up.
Presidential Election – NOV (during presidency when first time president is not of European ancestry)
America attacked before new president can take office – Patriarch Wolfgramm, G.A. Smith
Note: "Not of European ancestry was meant to reference "black". Greek ancestry was meant to reference "black". During G.A. Smith's generation, they commonly referred to blacks as "Greeks" as to not be offensive with Negro". However, upon further search, Obama does have Greek ancestry as his ancestors were slave traders from North Africa (Kenya). North Africa was a Greek and Christian culture, and at one time a part of the Roman Empire.
DEC to trigger martial law and allow the UN to implement the New World President (Anti-Christ). Author Avraham Gileadi shared that he is good friends with Spencer (VOG) and will vouch for him. He said Spencer had other visions not recorded in VOG, this was one of them.
Light winter so saints can recover from the earthquake and plague, saints in the mountains are spared. (VOG)
Famine is in full force. Mark of the Beast is instituted. No buying or selling without the chip in your hand. To receive the chip, you must denounce Jesus Christ or else be beheaded. Anti-Christ is at the helm over all nations. Suzanne Freeman, VOG, Sarah Menet, Revelation 13:1-8, 16-18
UN already has someone they are sponsoring and touting as the New World President. His name is Maitreya. He is going around performing miracles on camera. He talks of a New World Order and social justice. He says he is the Messiah of all religions in one. Must read UN Magazine write up:
(Watch his Youtube videos and notice the blind followers comments.
Israel builds a temple. See notes above on Israel/Jewish people.
Armageddon begins. Revelation 16:14-16
(3 year war – 3rd woe.) Revelation 11:14, Zechariah 11 to 14.
Two prophets killed. Revelation chapter 11.
Mt. of Olives split open. Zechariah 14:1-5
Christ rescues the Jews and teaches them the gospel.
Christ kills the world’s army who went against the Jews.
Christ goes to Adam-ondi-ahman. New Jerusalem is in the process of being built. D&C 107:53-57, D&C 116, Daniel 7:9-14
Saints begin their trek back to Jackson County, MO. (takes years) Mighty miracles occur. Some get new transfigured bodies to complete this journey. People are raised from the dead. The plague is held back from the saints. A cloak of invisibility is provided for those in tent cities so the troops cannot find them.
VOG, Through the Windows of Life, Dream of Plagues,
This is the time to become “refined” enough to meet the Savior. We must abdicate all physical possessions, we must love and share under intense stress. We must rely on God for our every need. We must develop humility and patience before we can qualify to be in the presence of God. Thus, our journey, by foot back to MO. - Through the Windows of Life, Suzanne Freeman.
Lost 10 tribes appear to help with the journey and to fight back the foreign troops. See Cleansing of America, Through the Windows of Life, VOG
Constitution hangs by a thread (America to become a UN country) when the brethren take on the troops with the lost tribes and defeat them. They retreat and America is re-established. George Washington’s Dream sees this defeat. VOG, and Suzanne Freeman.
The Savior comes in from the heavens. The righteous are waiting (LDS and nonLDS) in MO and are lifted up to meet him. This includes those who are resurrected in the morning of the 1st resurrection.
The earth burns to stubble to take out any wicked who are left.
The Millennium is ushered in. Satan is bound for 1,000 years. Satan is release for a small season at the end of the 1,000 years for one final test and then he is bound forever.
Temples are open 24/7 for 1,000 years as people prepare for the final judgment, reconnect family lines, and work on spiritual progression.
Final judgment takes place. The souls who did not come forth in the first resurrection, come forth now.
Assignments are made to the three degrees of glory.
Book List:
Old and New Testament Book of Mormon
George A. Smith Vision (internet) John Taylor Vision (internet)
Charles Evans Vision (internet) Cardston Prophecy (internet)
Visions of Glory, Pontius Dream of Plagues, (internet)
Dreams and Visions, I, II, III, Young & Parrett A Greater Tomorrow, Julie Rowe
George Washington Vision (internet) Mosiah Hancock Vision (internet)
Cleansing of America, Skousen There is No Death, Sarah Menet
Through the Window of Life, S. Freeman Bishop Koyle (Dream Mine)
65 Signs of the Times. Ridges Four Blood Moons, Pastor Hagee
The Mystery of the Shemitah As A Thief in the Night, Roger Young
Whence Came They (10 Tribes) The Last Days I & II, Young & Parrett
Gospel has been restored.
Gospel has been taken to the earth. (Internet fulfilled that prophecy.) Hastening is now.
Elijah restores the sealing keys.
First time Jews have possession of Jerusalem (1967). The Jews had possession of Israel in 1948, but not Jerusalem. Jews have found an unspotted heifer for their sacrifice. Jews have drawn up the temple plans to rebuild the temple. Jews base calendar on the moon. A tetrad is 4 blood moons together. Only 8 tetrads since Christ's birth. Every time the tetrad came on Jewish holidays and during the most significant events in their history. The next tetrad is 500 years from now.
Books: Four Blood Moons, Pastor John Hagee,
The Mystery of the Shemitah, Jonathan Cahn
Isaiah Decoded, Avraham Gileadi
Jerusalem “cup of trembling” to those who attempt to fight her. Zechariah 12:2
Genealogical research expands. This is a spiritual war on both sides of the veil. Malachi 4:5-6
Lamanites blossom as a rose.
D&C 49:22-24 51% of the church is now outside of the U.S. 50% of the church speaks Spanish.
Knowledge explosion. (Phone, cars, machinery, electricity, internet, satellite, surgeries, etc.)
Daniel 12:4
Ecological damage occurs. (BP oil spill, Fukashima still pouring nuclear waste, over 70 tons into the ocean. Revelations 8:7-12
Doom and Gloom and Despair. D&C 1:35, Luke 21:25-27
Much selfishness and lack of caring. Hearts wax cold. Matthew 24:12
Wars and rumors of wars: Do not be troubled, just the beginning or sorrows. Matthew 24:6
Lawlessness and disrespect for authority. Chaos and revolutions. 2Nephi 28:20 D&C 45:26
Sexual immorality. 2Timoth 3:1, 6 Romans 1:24-31
Spirit stops working with the wicked. D&C 63:32 Pours out spirit on Saints Joel 2:29
Peace will be taken from the land. D&C 1:35
False prophets and churches abound. Joseph Smith - Matthew 1:22 Revelation 13:13-15
People refuse to believe obvious truth. 2Peter 3:3-4
People refuse to believe the signs of the times. 2Timothy 3:3-4
The Lord will come as a “thief in the night” to those who discount it is here. 1Thes 5:2, 2Peter 3:10
Signs and wonders on earth and in heaven. Four blood moons (tetrad), Climate changes, Solar flares, comets. D&C 45:36-40
Many temples will be built. Isaiah 2:2 D&C 133:13
Famine - (CA feeds 25% of the world. Worst drought in history. Whole lakes gone. Rationing starting. No end in sight. TX started 3 years prior. Multiple fires from dry land. Cannot afford the water to be trucked in to plant.) Matthew 24:7 Bishop John Koyle Vision (famine lasts 5 years. Wheat more valuable than gold.) Sarah Menet, Temple Dreamer, Suzanne Freeman.
Climate change. (North and South Poles are splitting. 2014 NASA report.) Airports are 10 degrees off on radar,
Earthquakes and other natural disasters. (EQ frequency has doubled in the last decade.) In 1974 the earth had approximately 4, 500 earthquakes. In 2014 there have been 82,374 in the first nine months. The Lord will begin his cleansing in his own house first. Utah will have an EQ and Plague at the same time on the heels of a worldwide financial collapse. See earthquake chart, D&C 88:88-91, D&C 45:33,
D&C 112:24-26, Revelation 16:18, Revelation 6:12,
Sarah Menet, Spencer, Suzanne Freeman, Gayle Smith, Bishop Koyle all say there is a Utah EQ.
Destroying angel will be allowed to go forth. D&C 8:5-8,
First “call out” (gathering) will take place to survive the plague. (Late spring.) Saints with food storage invited to go. Cars/trucks are available to haul preps. Less than 10% of the members go. Various reasons (don’t grasp the urgency, don’t want to share, don’t want to leave possessions, didn't prepare, are not out of debt, etc.)
See General Authority documented quotes about a gathering and leading the Saints to a refuge (8 pages of quotes). See Temple Dreamer, Dreams & Visions Vol. I, II, & III. See Cardston Prophecy.
Long winter is unusual and stops planting of crops, a great hailstorm destroys the crops, both add to the famine. D&C 29:16 Revelation 16:21
Almost all of the dreamers saw the long, harsh winter. Cleansing of America, p. 18, Joseph Smith talks about the great desolation of an earthquake, hail, famine and war that "will make an end to all nations".
Woe #1 (5 mo. War – Desert Storm, aggravated Middle East) Only 5 month war in recorded history. Description matches the events.
Woe #2 (13 mo. War and plague kill 3 billion on earth.) Read Charles Evans Dream about a civil war in America. See John Taylor's Dream about a plague (Ebola symptoms) that devastates the US and the World. See Sarah Menet, Suzanne Freeman, Spencer (VOG), Gayle Smith all see more than one plague killing the masses.
This is the “Abomination of Desolation” as spoken of by Daniel. The Savior is speaking to his disciples about an event from 200 years before him that was an abomination. He says the abomination will happen again (anti-Christ will force them to worship an idol in their temple and Israel will be under seige), at which time they should stand in holy places and flee to the mountains. Revelation 13:14 Matthew 24:15-16. (See comparison of Matthew 24 between Old Jerusalem and New Jerusalem.)
Ebola is described as bleeding internally to death. Has a 90 fatality rate. Die within days. 5,000 deaths now. Project 1.4 million by January. Project 5 million before it is contained (if it doesn’t come to America). John Taylor’s dream describes this massive death toll on America’s states, including Utah.
See John Taylor's dream, See Dream of Plagues.
Dollar Collapse. Worldwide depression begins. No work, no gas, no travel. Patriarch Charles Evans vision describes this in detail. Civil War in America ensues. Race rioting on a vast scale. See Cardston Prophecy. See Bishop Koyle vision. See Sarah Menet, Julie Rowe and Suzanne Freeman dreams. See George Albert Smith vision "collapse will make the great depression look like a picnic".
When the dollar is collapsed intentionally by New World Order operatives such as Illuminati, Builderberg Group, UN Agenda 21, this will trigger a civil war for 13 months. The New World Order calls for the earth’s population to be reduced to 500,000. We are currently at 8 billion. Ebola and a new strain of small pox has been weaponized and will intentionally be released. Spencer sees the troops inoculated against the plague. See John Taylor vision. See Dream of Plagues vision. Many other dreamers see a civil war and a devastating plague.
People gather from all over to get to the intermountain region. More groups leave to find the tent cities from the first call out. Violence and chaos are rampant. Must flee by foot, only take what you can carry. No vehicles/gas/trailers available. Patriarch Charles Evans vision describes this in detail. Civil War in America ensues. Race rioting on a vast scale. See Cardston Prophecy. See Bishop Koyle vision. See Sarah Menet, Julie Rowe and Suzanne Freeman dreams.
Foreign troops finally arrive in Utah to help with the earthquake and plague, but martial law is declared instead. No prayers are allowed, no gatherings, no church, no meetings. Temples are closed.
Spencer (VOG), Sarah Menet, Suzanne Freeman, Julie Rowe, Temple Dreamer, Bishop Koyle, George Washington all had dreams/vision of these troops.
America is attacked. No electricity (EMP) from nuclear bombs set off to create the EMP (HAFB is one of the places). The attack is from China (west coast) and Russia (east coast). The UN declares the mid-west (farming communities) as the “world’s land”. See GA Smith vision, Sarah Menet, Patriarch Wolfgram, and all the others talk about this attack.
In his own words, Chinese General:
Utah misses the start of this attack because no electricity from the earthquake to announce the news. VOG
All happen in rapid succession:
Gathering in the mountains (call out) in Spring/Summer of 2016 (election year).
Dollar Collapse – September Sarah, Gayle, "10 days before the earthquake"
Jewish Calendar/Rabbi says (2015 stock market crash),
Earthquake – October Bishop Koyle, Gayle, Sarah, (actually use the month "October"), VOG says earthquake is one month before the troops show up.
Presidential Election – NOV (during presidency when first time president is not of European ancestry)
America attacked before new president can take office – Patriarch Wolfgramm, G.A. Smith
Note: "Not of European ancestry was meant to reference "black". Greek ancestry was meant to reference "black". During G.A. Smith's generation, they commonly referred to blacks as "Greeks" as to not be offensive with Negro". However, upon further search, Obama does have Greek ancestry as his ancestors were slave traders from North Africa (Kenya). North Africa was a Greek and Christian culture, and at one time a part of the Roman Empire.
DEC to trigger martial law and allow the UN to implement the New World President (Anti-Christ). Author Avraham Gileadi shared that he is good friends with Spencer (VOG) and will vouch for him. He said Spencer had other visions not recorded in VOG, this was one of them.
Light winter so saints can recover from the earthquake and plague, saints in the mountains are spared. (VOG)
Famine is in full force. Mark of the Beast is instituted. No buying or selling without the chip in your hand. To receive the chip, you must denounce Jesus Christ or else be beheaded. Anti-Christ is at the helm over all nations. Suzanne Freeman, VOG, Sarah Menet, Revelation 13:1-8, 16-18
UN already has someone they are sponsoring and touting as the New World President. His name is Maitreya. He is going around performing miracles on camera. He talks of a New World Order and social justice. He says he is the Messiah of all religions in one. Must read UN Magazine write up:
(Watch his Youtube videos and notice the blind followers comments.
Israel builds a temple. See notes above on Israel/Jewish people.
Armageddon begins. Revelation 16:14-16
(3 year war – 3rd woe.) Revelation 11:14, Zechariah 11 to 14.
Two prophets killed. Revelation chapter 11.
Mt. of Olives split open. Zechariah 14:1-5
Christ rescues the Jews and teaches them the gospel.
Christ kills the world’s army who went against the Jews.
Christ goes to Adam-ondi-ahman. New Jerusalem is in the process of being built. D&C 107:53-57, D&C 116, Daniel 7:9-14
Saints begin their trek back to Jackson County, MO. (takes years) Mighty miracles occur. Some get new transfigured bodies to complete this journey. People are raised from the dead. The plague is held back from the saints. A cloak of invisibility is provided for those in tent cities so the troops cannot find them.
VOG, Through the Windows of Life, Dream of Plagues,
This is the time to become “refined” enough to meet the Savior. We must abdicate all physical possessions, we must love and share under intense stress. We must rely on God for our every need. We must develop humility and patience before we can qualify to be in the presence of God. Thus, our journey, by foot back to MO. - Through the Windows of Life, Suzanne Freeman.
Lost 10 tribes appear to help with the journey and to fight back the foreign troops. See Cleansing of America, Through the Windows of Life, VOG
Constitution hangs by a thread (America to become a UN country) when the brethren take on the troops with the lost tribes and defeat them. They retreat and America is re-established. George Washington’s Dream sees this defeat. VOG, and Suzanne Freeman.
The Savior comes in from the heavens. The righteous are waiting (LDS and nonLDS) in MO and are lifted up to meet him. This includes those who are resurrected in the morning of the 1st resurrection.
The earth burns to stubble to take out any wicked who are left.
The Millennium is ushered in. Satan is bound for 1,000 years. Satan is release for a small season at the end of the 1,000 years for one final test and then he is bound forever.
Temples are open 24/7 for 1,000 years as people prepare for the final judgment, reconnect family lines, and work on spiritual progression.
Final judgment takes place. The souls who did not come forth in the first resurrection, come forth now.
Assignments are made to the three degrees of glory.