This boys experiences are amazing!
Here is Shawn White's NDE and subsequent visions of the future tribulations: Here is his outline of talking points and references:
Given the Oct 7 event attack on Israel, I thought this dream would be a good one to review. For the full version download the pdf.
Dream Two:
I received this dream about a week or so after the first dream. I was in a very familiar safe place when I heard a voice saying to me, “Do you remember what we told you?” I answered, “Yes.” And the first dream flashed before me. Then the scene changed and I was back in the same setting as the first dream, outside in a yard looking up at the night sky. And just like the first dream, I saw many other people, all watching the sky which was filled with stars like before and also the shape of the star of David. And just like the first dream, I saw small groups of smaller stars trying to attack the Star of David, more than before but still with little success. And again those stars disappeared into the Star of David. And again the people around me watching this were amazed like it was some kind of show but I knew something bad was coming from it all so I started to feel uneasy and nervous. Then I heard the voice saying to me, “Remember, when you see this happen you will know IT has begun.” The dream ended and I woke up puzzled by it, just like the first dream, but went over it in my mind and wrote it down. Dream Three: About a week or so later, I received a third dream, which started like the second dream. I was in that same familiar safe place. Then I heard a voice saying to me, “Do you remember what we told you?” Again I replied, “Yes.” And the second dream flashed before my eyes. Then the scene changed and again I was outside looking up at the night sky watching the movement of the stars but this time there were many more stars swimming around to attack the Star of David, so it was getting more dangerous. Then there was a brief pause and in a flash I was given the sense of ‘knowing’ the backdrop. I saw that the whole world was in a time of great economic danger, worse than ever before in history. The world leaders, bankers, UN, global leaders, politicians, all knew the economic system had been damaged greatly by their years of greed and inflation and money printing. They knew it could not be repaired, nothing could fix it anymore and it was about to collapse. I knew they had all agreed to a new system, a global one, and they had all planned to let the economy collapse in a controlled manner to replace it with this new global system. They thought they would end up looking like they had saved the world and that the common people would be so grateful and would accept any new system and laws they came up with. I saw that all of these leaders were greatly afraid of the civilian population of their nations and knew if this wasn’t handled the right way, they would be blamed for the crash and people would rise up and riot and eliminate them with civil violence and wars. So it was because of their fear of the people that they devised a plan to try to take the economy down slowly and then replace it with their new global system. I saw it was a dangerous time but the average person had no idea how dangerous things were or how drastically their lives would change. Most people were just asleep but I saw a few who were aware of the coming economic dangers and started warning people. Then the scene changed and I was back outside watching the night sky. I saw more small groups of little stars trying to attack the Star of David, but it was more like harassment because they had no real power to do great harm, so it was like they were a distraction. But then I saw that Israel had learned something that convinced them they were in grave danger. Something or someone was preparing an attack to try to destroy their nation. It was the most serious threat they had ever faced. I did not see exactly where it came from, but knew it was not Lebanon, but somewhere north-ish of them maybe Syria, Iraq or Iran. As I watched the stars, they continued trying to harass the Star of David. Then I saw a great light go off to the left, as if it was north. I was so shocked and frightened by this that I gasped and said to myself, “They did it, they really did it.” I knew I was referring to Israel but I wasn’t sure what they did, but then I was shown what happened. Israel believed their existence was in danger, they did a pre-emptive strike. It seemed like they hit 2 or 3 areas hoping to eliminate their enemies ability to destroy them, but one of the targets was far more dangerous than they knew. It was something like an underground bunker, or factory, or lab. When it was hit, it blew up and released something into the air. I was not shown what it was exactly but I knew it was something dangerous like a gas, bio weapon or fallout from some lab. It escaped into the air and then drifted downstream towards a couple of small villages and I saw some people living there were killed by it. Then the whole world erupted in outrage over what had happened and blamed Israel instead of the nation who built the illegal lab. Israel was shocked and had no idea what was underground. The world leaders blamed Israel. I saw them shouting and accusing Israel. I saw their hatred and it was all directed at Israel. Then something terrible happened. The whole world was in a time of great global economic corruption and instability and this one event caused a couple nations financial markets to wobble then collapsed. This caused more nations’ markets to become unstable and start to collapse–then it was like dominoes, one by one all the world’s markets started collapsing. All stock markets, banking systems, credit card companies, every financial instrument collapsed. It could not be slowed or stopped, in less than two weeks it was wiped out. I saw world leaders screaming at Israel, blaming them for ruining their plans of a global economic reset that would have given them unlimited power and control. Their hatred was irrational to the point of insanity because the collapse caught them by surprise and many of them lost everything too. Then I saw hatred and rage towards Israel and it was coming from Washington DC. I was surprised by this since the United States has always had good relations with Israel, but now the hate was like something I had never seen before. All the world leaders, bankers and globalists were trying to blame Israel for the collapse, making them the scapegoat, but I saw most people were not falling for that because they blamed their own leaders’ corruption. Then I heard the same voice as before saying to me, “Remember this. When you see this happen you will know IT has begun.” Then I finally understood that when we see the steps of repeated attacks on Israel, growing larger, a pre-emptive strike by Israel due to their belief in being in grave danger that causes a release in the air of something that causes some civilian deaths. This enrages world leaders as it causes some markets to teeter then start to collapse creating a domino effect around the world with every nation’s markets and economies failing. The world leaders try to place the blame all on Israel for the collapse as it has destroyed their plans for a new global economic system where they have unlimited power and control. Their rage becomes irrational and almost insane. It was a very clear message from this dream that when we see all these events to know there is less than two weeks, ten days at the most, to do what we need to do, get any money from the bank and investments, cash out and buy whatever supplies will be needed to survive some very hard times. The markets collapsing will start slow then pick up steam and many won’t pay much attention because at first it will be overseas in smaller nations. But then it comes here. As the collapse unfolded, I saw banks started limiting withdrawals but then they just closed their doors. I saw prices soaring higher and higher. I saw stores were refusing to accept checks or credit cards or even cash. Paper money will become completely worthless. I saw severe shortages of every essential item, including food and fuel. Then I saw stores shutting down, closing their doors and people panicking. I saw mobs of people breaking into warehouses and looting them. I saw terrible violence, including civil wars breaking out causing great suffering for the world. I saw people who waited too long to prepare were suffering greatly. They had not taken action quickly enough, so it was very difficult for them because people began to panic and get angry when they realized they could not get what they needed, and as the panic spread and increased, it led to more violence. During those days it will be best not to leave your home or be on the road. Over the years, I’ve gotten more understanding. For example, a couple of years ago when the Arabs were sending kites and fire bombs into Israel to start fires to destroy farms and homes was the fulfillment of the harassing attacks I saw in my second dream. I’ve listened to more news reports about Iran threatening to destroy Israel with nukes. I think that will play a part in Israel’s defensive move. I asked the Lord, “Why did Israel take this step on their own, fearing annihilation, as the world leaders seemed so shocked?” Then I heard Him saying to me, “Because Israel believed no one had their back.” I understood this meant Israel will believe no one is willing to help them and they were on their own. Which means the United States will have a president who hates or refuses to support Israel so the United States will join the rest of the world by turning their back on them. So, this concludes the first three dreams I received. All through this, it is important to remember that God is with His people guiding us with every step if we will just ask and listen and trust. This website provider has taken away the password protected pages. I have no choice but to make them available by private link or password. There are three pages that are private. Just "search" (nearly every page has a search box) the three letters XYZ and you will have the three pages to choose from.
Daniel 7 and 11 speak of the last days and 10 horns. John speaks of 8 kings. They are the same once you compare the descriptions. Here is a breakdown of Daniel 7 and 11 to compare the descriptions of these kings of a mighty nation in the last days in the land where Adam the ancient comes.
1 Nephi 22: 22-23
“22 And the righteous need not fear, for they are those who shall not be confounded. But it is the KINGDOM OF THE DEVIL, which shall be built up among the children of men, which kingdom is established among them which are in the flesh-- 23 For the time speedily shall come that all churches which are built up to get gain, and all those who are built up to get power over the flesh, and those who are built up to become popular in the eyes of the world, and those who seek the lusts of the flesh and the things of the world, and to do all manner of iniquity; yea, in fine, all THOSE WHO BELONG TO THE KINGDOM OF THE DEVIL ARE THEY WHO NEED TO FEAR, AND TREMBLE, AND QUAKE; THEY are those who must be brought low in the dust; THEY are those who must be consumed as stubble; and this is according to the words of the prophet.” Here is the second night and replay links!
Hello Friends, Did you make it to last night's webinar "GRID DOWN - Are You Prepared?" Almost 250 people were registered! If you missed it, the replay is available... Click Here For REPLAYS Tonight we help you clearly understand what life will be like without Electrical Power. How you and your family will suffer if you are not prepared. No clean running water. No gasoline or diesel. No food in the grocery store. No heat or air conditioning. A civil society changes when people are cold and hungry. It gets Dangerous. Join us tonight, October 17th at 7:00 pm MDT for the second in a week-long series of FREE webinars explaining how you can prepare. If you have friends that you want to help, share this link with them so they can learn too! If you have already registered, you don't need to re-register. But if you have not click the link below. Click HERE to Register! We also suggest that you watch "Grid Down, Power UP" about just how vulnerable our grid is. It's free. The trailer is... "GRID DOWN, POWER UP" trailer To go straight to the movie, click the picture below... Jim Phillips and Ray Lambert Grid Down Readiness Be the light in the darkness PS - We will See You Tonight LIVE on the Webinar Just my thoughts:
1. Cardston, Koyle and Warwick all pinpoint the Pacific Ocean as WWIII 2. Rev 9 says the following: 13 And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, 14 Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound ain the great river Euphrates. 15 And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men. 16 And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them. Notice that JST changed Euphrates to "bottomless pit". JST Rev. 9:14 … in the bottomless pit. That means this is NOT Armageddon. That is later in Rev 16. Also it took 200,000,000 to fight in this war. It also kills 1/3 of the men. It also takes 13 months to prepare for it. I believe Taiwan is the catalyst, but I also believe the "fox" (N. Korea) initiates the bait and we are drawn into the area. I also believe it is China who does the initial attack with Russia on the east coast to keep us in a state of shock and un-readiness to confront two fronts at the same time. Of course, I'm cheating. All of this comes from visionaries. Joseph Smith (JST) changed "Euphrates" to bottomless pit, it changed the location of the 13 mo. prep war. There are only two large wars left between now and the 2C. Armageddon (Israel) and WWIII (U.S./China/Russia) and several visions saw this in the Pacific Ocean. Now, look at my notes from 2016 at a David Warwick fireside. 1. He saw himself at 14 as an adult for the Second Coming. (Our lifetime.) 2. Sees Middle America and a light goes over it and makes it more beautiful, sees the east coast and a light goes over it and the light destroys them. He saw lawlessness, sin, and no thought for life. 3. Sees Washington DC as the heart of the secret combinations. The head of the New World Order. 4. England has the same meetings as DC. Hundreds are present in these meetings. Saudi Arabia has the same meetings. 5. Australia is having these same meetings. 6. Sees 6 black figures, dark, evil hovering over England. The whole country is in chaos. Saw 6 explosions at the same time. England calls the U.S. for help, but denied. France sends troops to help, but withdraw when their own country falls into chaos. 7. Africa and the M.E. wars spread like wildfire. 8. In the Pacific Ocean, N. Korea does something that the US deems harmful and sends troops. Six states empty bases along the Pacific coast to go to war. (Note: Cardston says Pacific Ocean is WWIII.) US cuts off communications with our military, within 4 days military overcome. (Betrayed.) The communications went from DC to Russia when we get attacked. US starts to get attacked. Sees foreign troops bang on his door. Spirit warns him to leave. Kneeled and prayed for deliverance for his wife and children. 9. After the US is attacked, Russia joins other countries (China and Egypt) on their way to Israel. Messenger tells him military in CA is celebrating the attack on Israel. Military comes out of heaven with flaming sword and was taking out this world military. This is when the 2 prophets get killed. He saw 2 flags (Russian and U.S.) flying on the same flag pole. Told: “Do not trust the Russian government.” As people started gathering together he saw points of light. Saw people being brought to America through AZ to get to Zion. If you don’t have a personal relationship with Christ you will not stand. |
AuthorShelle has been an avid student in the study of the End-Times. She loves to share her discoveries and to help others find the hidden treasures. Archives