Just my thoughts:
1. Cardston, Koyle and Warwick all pinpoint the Pacific Ocean as WWIII 2. Rev 9 says the following: 13 And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, 14 Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound ain the great river Euphrates. 15 And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men. 16 And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them. Notice that JST changed Euphrates to "bottomless pit". JST Rev. 9:14 … in the bottomless pit. That means this is NOT Armageddon. That is later in Rev 16. Also it took 200,000,000 to fight in this war. It also kills 1/3 of the men. It also takes 13 months to prepare for it. I believe Taiwan is the catalyst, but I also believe the "fox" (N. Korea) initiates the bait and we are drawn into the area. I also believe it is China who does the initial attack with Russia on the east coast to keep us in a state of shock and un-readiness to confront two fronts at the same time. Of course, I'm cheating. All of this comes from visionaries. Joseph Smith (JST) changed "Euphrates" to bottomless pit, it changed the location of the 13 mo. prep war. There are only two large wars left between now and the 2C. Armageddon (Israel) and WWIII (U.S./China/Russia) and several visions saw this in the Pacific Ocean. Now, look at my notes from 2016 at a David Warwick fireside. 1. He saw himself at 14 as an adult for the Second Coming. (Our lifetime.) 2. Sees Middle America and a light goes over it and makes it more beautiful, sees the east coast and a light goes over it and the light destroys them. He saw lawlessness, sin, and no thought for life. 3. Sees Washington DC as the heart of the secret combinations. The head of the New World Order. 4. England has the same meetings as DC. Hundreds are present in these meetings. Saudi Arabia has the same meetings. 5. Australia is having these same meetings. 6. Sees 6 black figures, dark, evil hovering over England. The whole country is in chaos. Saw 6 explosions at the same time. England calls the U.S. for help, but denied. France sends troops to help, but withdraw when their own country falls into chaos. 7. Africa and the M.E. wars spread like wildfire. 8. In the Pacific Ocean, N. Korea does something that the US deems harmful and sends troops. Six states empty bases along the Pacific coast to go to war. (Note: Cardston says Pacific Ocean is WWIII.) US cuts off communications with our military, within 4 days military overcome. (Betrayed.) The communications went from DC to Russia when we get attacked. US starts to get attacked. Sees foreign troops bang on his door. Spirit warns him to leave. Kneeled and prayed for deliverance for his wife and children. 9. After the US is attacked, Russia joins other countries (China and Egypt) on their way to Israel. Messenger tells him military in CA is celebrating the attack on Israel. Military comes out of heaven with flaming sword and was taking out this world military. This is when the 2 prophets get killed. He saw 2 flags (Russian and U.S.) flying on the same flag pole. Told: “Do not trust the Russian government.” As people started gathering together he saw points of light. Saw people being brought to America through AZ to get to Zion. If you don’t have a personal relationship with Christ you will not stand.
AuthorShelle has been an avid student in the study of the End-Times. She loves to share her discoveries and to help others find the hidden treasures. Archives